What Are The 8 Little Things You Can Do Every Night To Lose More Weight?

Find out ‘What Are The 8 Little Things You Can Do Every Night To Lose More Weight?’ Late-night activities, such as having a few more drinks after dinner or stopping for fast food on the way home from work, might cause your weight reduction efforts to falter. On the other hand, creating the ideal bedtime regimen can significantly advance your weight reduction efforts.

According to Mike Bohl, MD, MPH, ALM, a member of our Medical Expert Board and a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach who has assisted in the development of the Body Program at Ro, sticking to a [nighttime routine] reduces the likelihood that you will unintentionally end your dieting streak.

The nighttime behaviors that support weight loss may be divided into two categories: (1) those that influence how your body functions while you sleep, and (2) those that promote a restful night’s sleep that leaves you feeling rested and prepared for the following day.

What Are The 8 Little Things You Can Do Every Night To Lose More Weight?
What Are The 8 Little Things You Can Do Every Night To Lose More Weight?

You’ll be able to engage in activities that burn calories the following day if you obtain adequate sleep (seven to nine hours): According to Dr. Bohl, you must have the stamina to burn enough calories throughout the day in order to properly lose weight. The author continues, “This may be done by scheduled exercise, like going to the gym or running, or it can be done through other ordinary everyday activities, such performing housework and going shopping.

Dr. Bohl, with whom we talked, outlines eight simple things you may do each night to shed more weight. The key to (weight reduction) success is developing a reliable, healthy bedtime habit!

The First Bucket: How To keep Burning Calories At Night

If you want to lose more weight don’t eat too late

What Are The 8 Little Things You Can Do Every Night To Lose More Weight?
What Are The 8 Little Things You Can Do Every Night To Lose More Weight?

You’ve probably heard of this well-known advice before, but Dr. Bohl notes that it’s really a little debatable.

“Your body ought to metabolize the calories in the same way regardless of when you eat. But, those who eat later in the evening also tend to consume more calorically rich foods, or they may overeat out of boredom rather than hunger “He clarifies. “A excellent strategy to make sure you aren’t ingesting additional calories that you don’t actually need is to avoid eating late at night before bed.”

If you want to have a pre-bedtime snack, make sure it’s one with casein protein

You shouldn’t be too surprised to learn that habit #1 has an exception. If you feel like having a snack before going to bed, make sure it contains casein protein, which is found in dairy products.

Dr. Bohl notes that because casein protein digests more slowly than other proteins, a snack before bed can provide your body with protein it can utilize all night to repair and grow muscle.

Get some exercise—but time it correctly

person on a sunset walk with their dog

You can have trouble falling asleep if you exercise too soon before bed. But, according to Dr. Bohl, the body continues to burn calories for several hours after an exercise.

So, he continues, “if you plan your activity properly (for example, a late afternoon gym session or an evening stroll), you will continue to burn extra calories into your sleep period.

The Second Bucket: How To Get A More Restful Night’s Sleep

Don’t drink alcohol before bed

woman saying no to alcoholic beverage

How often do you wake up several times in the middle of the night after a fun night out with your friends? Alcohol consumption before bed is a harmful habit for a number of reasons.

Dr. Bohl notes that since alcohol has many extra calories, abstaining from it before night also falls into the first category and helps you consume less calories overall. But, alcohol also interferes with sleep, so if you consume a lot of it before bed, you might not feel as rested in the morning.

Set your bedroom to a cool temperature if you want to lose more weight

Dr. Bohl informs us that sleeping in a colder environment can help us burn more calories throughout the night. “Some study shows that temperature might effect how the body processes fat,” he says.

A cold environment also encourages a restful night’s sleep! The National Sleep Foundation found that one of the most important factors in getting good, restful sleep is sleeping in a cold atmosphere. Your bedroom should be adjusted to a temperature of around 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Avoid blue light

Your phone, laptop, and TV all generate blue light that can seriously disrupt your circadian rhythm, sometimes referred to as “your normal sleep/wake cycle,” according to Dr. Bohl.

Electronic usage too close to bedtime will probably make it more harder for you to fall asleep. Dr. Bohl continues, “[This can] take away from the hours you need and prevent you from waking up feeling as refreshed.

Of course you shouldn’t include social media surfing and binge-watching TV in your calm nightly routine!

Stick to a solid schedule

Maintaining a regular routine is not just important at work. The same holds true for your wake-up and bedtimes.

Dr. Bohl says that keeping your bedtime and wake time consistent is another excellent approach to control your circadian rhythm and guarantee that you receive adequate sound sleep each night.

Have a relaxing pre-bed ritual, like sipping tea or taking a bath

hot bath with lavender bath salts and lit candle

Before going to bed, try to unwind to reduce any tension you may have had during the day and to quiet your racing thoughts. Do whatever seems right for you, whether that’s enjoying a cup of chamomile tea or taking a relaxing bath with bath salts.

“It might be beneficial to establish a calming routine that you follow every night if you have trouble going asleep. This can help distract you from the pressures of the day so that you are more prepared to fall asleep when you are ready to retire into bed “Finally, Dr. Bohl says.

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