4 Drinks To Help You Poop Immediately

4 Drinks To Help You Poop Immediately: What is the one thing that all living things have in common, although no one loves to discuss it? Every creature, including protozoa and people, eventually has to expel waste.

To put it another way, everyone poop! Yet, if your normal regimen includes fewer than three times a week, you probably aren’t feeling too hot. Constipation can cause pain that can make you feel bloated, lethargic, and backed up, which can ruin your whole day.

And really, who has time to spend the entire day waiting for their colon to catch up to the general sensation of urgency in the rest of their body? Thankfully, there are a few straightforward dietary approaches that can support realigning your gut and encourage good bowel movement, including several beverages that induce quick emesis.

4 Drinks To Help You Poop Immediately
4 Drinks To Help You Poop Immediately

Struggling and straining to relieve yourself when your colon feels like it’s locked up tighter than Fort Knox and your rectum just won’t budge can lead to other painful (not to mention nasty) health issues down the road, such as hemorrhoids and fissures.

A complicated contradiction, however, arises when other physiological responses from your body continue to convey a need for you to clear your bowels right away. You could have more mental space to consider why you can’t seem to defecate despite truly wanting to after having a pleasant bowel movement. Yet in reality, patience and reflection are not top priorities in a circumstance like this. You just care about convenient, rapid, and efficient relief. It’s time to summon some reviving resources and restart the process. So what are some instances of beverages that make you urinate more quickly?

We asked a few dietitians for their top suggestions for drinks that can aid when you really need to go to the bathroom to help us answer this issue. Continue reading to find out which beverages experts claim can help you defecate all the way through.


man pouring a glass of water

According to registered dietitian Melanie Marcus, MA, RD, sufficient hydration with water is the first line of defense in the fight against acute or chronic constipation. “Just consider it: constipation is the result of partially digested food remaining in your intestines! Sometimes all that’s needed to keep things flowing through the intestines is to stay adequately hydrated.”

Adults should strive for 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day, or half of their body weight in ounces, says Marcus. Furthermore, magnesium and sulfates, which are well-known for their laxative properties, can be found in mineral waters.

Water With Lemon

lemon water
Water With Lemon

Citric acid, a kind of vitamin C found in lemons and their juice, may have some laxative properties for certain people without producing diarrhea, according to registered dietitian Caroline Thomason, RD, CDCES.

Lemon juice helps speed up bowel emptying because it draws water into the GI system when ingested, according to Thomason.

Chia Fresca

chia seeds in water with lemon chia fresca
Chia Fresca

The First Time Mom’s Pregnancy Cookbook and Fueling Male Fertility author Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, claims that chia fresca, a concoction of chia seeds, water, and a few twists of lemon or lime, is another beverage that encourages the easy transit of your stool. According to the Cleveland Clinic, the insoluble fiber in chia seeds contributes to the softening of your stool in ways that are thought to have a laxative impact.



Coffee may be most famous for its caffeine content, but Manaker claims that drinking coffee also stimulates the digestive tract, prompting things to “start going” of their own accord.

Even decaffeinated coffee, according to registered dietitian Kim Kulp, RDN, owner of the Gut Health Connection, can help you urinate. While many people would think that coffee’s propensity to activate your bowels is primarily due to its caffeine component.

Coffee activates the gastrocolic reflex even without caffeine, according to Kulp. “[This] is when the stomach instructs the colon to contract in order to create place for what’s coming”

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