Habits That Hinders Your Chances Of Losing Weight: When aiming to lose weight, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the correct steps to initiate progress on the scale. Equally important is understanding what actions to avoid.
Occasionally, you may unknowingly follow habits that steer you off track, as they may not appear inherently “wrong.” To address this, we sought guidance from Marissa West, CPT, a nutrition specialist and the founder of West Kept Secret, as well as Lisa Young, Ph.D., RDN, a nutritionist in private practice and the author of Finally Full, Finally Slim. Both experts, who are members of our Medical Expert Board, provide valuable insights into the habits that undermine your weight loss endeavors.

Undoubtedly, every individual possesses a unique and distinct body. What proves effective for one person may not be the optimal approach for another. Nevertheless, there are certain habits that should be avoided by everyone if the aim is to eliminate unwanted body fat and witness a decline in the number on the scale.
Don’t make things harder for yourself! Continue reading to discover the advice of the experts regarding the habits that sabotage your weight loss efforts.
Bouncing Around To Different Workouts
When you devote yourself completely to your weight loss journey, putting in 100% commitment and hard work, it can be disheartening not to witness visible results within a few weeks. One possible reason for this could be constantly “bouncing around” between different workout routines.
According to West, “While the idea of switching workouts frequently may seem appealing, it can ultimately hinder consistent weight loss.” She suggests following a general guideline of giving any workout program a one-month trial period to evaluate changes and progress. Progress shouldn’t solely be measured by immediate weight loss but can also be observed in other ways, such as achieving more repetitions of a particular exercise, transitioning from knee push-ups to full push-ups, or improving your mile time while running.
Remember, maintaining focus and allowing sufficient time for a workout program to produce results is crucial.
Eating Too Many Healthy Snacks

Excessive consumption is never beneficial, and this principle applies to healthy foods as well. Some nutritious foods can even be calorie-dense, emphasizing the importance of practicing portion control.
“While almonds and avocados are considered healthy superfoods, it’s crucial to remember that they still contain a significant number of calories. Therefore, it’s possible to exceed your daily calorie limit if you don’t adhere to appropriate serving sizes, particularly for snacks that come in bags,” advises West. “For instance, if you eat directly from a bag of chips (even if it’s a healthier option), it’s easy to unknowingly double or triple your intended serving size. I always recommend that clients check the serving sizes of their snacks, lay them out on a plate, and then put the bag away to prevent overconsumption.”
Young concurs, emphasizing that “fats are still fats” and cautioning against excessive intake of healthy fats. “Incorporating healthy fats into your diet is crucial and an effective way to meet your macronutrient needs… However, consuming an excess of healthy fats can lead to weight gain since fat contains more calories per gram than protein or carbohydrates,” she adds.
Remember, being mindful of portion sizes and maintaining a balanced approach to consuming healthy fats can support your overall weight management goals.
Being Chintzy With Your Sleep

Moving on to the next item on the list of seven habits that undermine your weight loss endeavors is neglecting to obtain adequate rest. Ensuring you receive high-quality sleep is not something you should compromise on since experiencing regular fatigue is directly associated with weight gain. According to West, “Research has demonstrated that insufficient sleep increases cravings for energy-dense, high-carbohydrate foods.” She further explains, “Sleep allows your body to recover, conserve energy, and repair the muscles that were engaged during your workouts.”
It is wise to cultivate a habit of assessing your level of restfulness each morning and making any necessary adjustments to your routine accordingly. Checking in with yourself allows you to gauge how well-rested you actually feel and prompts you to take necessary actions for better sleep if needed.
Drinking Alcohol

Certainly, indulging in a glass of wine while binge-watching reality TV can be an enjoyable combination, but it’s important to be aware that alcohol can derail your progress towards any fitness goals you’re striving for. West explains, “I hate to dampen the mood, but consuming alcohol negatively affects muscle protein synthesis (MPS), which reduces the potential for muscle gain. It disrupts sleep, causes dehydration, and all these factors contribute to weight gain. When we consume alcohol, we hinder the process of converting fat into energy, leading to a higher likelihood of fat storage in our cells.”
However, this doesn’t mean you have to completely abstain from alcohol. Moderation is key. At West Kept Secret, they advocate for setting “alcohol ranges.” For example, if you typically have four glasses of wine, aim to reduce that amount to two or three when you’re out with friends. “By doing so, you have decreased your alcohol intake by one drink, which roughly saves you 100 calories,” suggests West. “Working with ranges when consuming alcohol allows for flexibility, avoids feelings of restriction, and promotes a healthier relationship with alcohol.”
Additionally, for each alcoholic beverage you consume, make a conscious effort to follow it with a full glass of water. This practice will assist in flushing out toxins and keeping your body hydrated.
Remember, finding a balance and making mindful choices when it comes to alcohol can help you stay on track with your fitness journey.
Limiting Calories

To achieve weight loss, it is often recommended to establish a daily calorie deficit of approximately 500 calories. However, it’s crucial to be cautious when monitoring your progress as this calorie deficit number can become an obsession, warns West. Avoid becoming excessively strict with calorie counting, as doing so can deprive your body of the necessary energy it needs to function effectively. In fact, this strict restriction can trigger a state known as “starvation mode,” where the body tends to store fat rather than burn it.
Instead of continually imposing further calorie restrictions, West suggests a different approach. Simply add those 500 calories back into your diet, but make a conscious effort to ensure they come from calorie-dense foods. These foods will be utilized as energy by your body rather than being stored as fat.
Remember, it’s important to strike a balance and provide your body with the fuel it requires while still maintaining a calorie deficit for weight loss.
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