Is Fear Healthy: When Does It Become A Problem?

Find out ‘Is Fear Healthy: When Does It Become A Problem?’ Everyone has some form of dread, but excessive fear can be harmful to your health. Understand when fear causes problems and how to handle them.

There are several typical fears, including those of water, cockroaches, spiders, and heights. It is seen as healthy to have some fears. For example, you wouldn’t look left and right before crossing a road if you weren’t afraid of being hit by an automobile. You wouldn’t sit down and study for an exam if you didn’t have the fear of failing it. But anxiety can sometimes be a problem. It’s thought that excessive fear is unhealthy. Learn more about fear and its effects on us.

Shefali Vaidya, a clinical psychologist at Apollo Spectra Mumbai, was contacted by Health Shots to learn all there is to know about fear and how to conquer it.


Is Fear Healthy: When Does It Become A Problem?
Is Fear Healthy: When Does It Become A Problem?

Fear Causes A Powerful Physical Response In Body

Although we are aware that fear is a mental emotion, fear also triggers a potent physical reaction in the body, according to Vaidya.

  • Your brain’s amygdala, which is a little structure in the centre, begins to function as soon as you perceive fear.
  • Your neurological system becomes alert, which activates the terror reaction in your body.
  • Cortisol and adrenaline, two stress hormones, get released.
  • Your heart rate and blood pressure rise.
  • Your respiration quickens.
  • Blood rushes out from your heart and into your extremities, altering even your blood flow, which makes it simpler for you to start punching people or running for your life.


Signs You Have Too Much Fear

When fear becomes excessive and manifests as an anxiety condition, it becomes a problem. This thus disrupts your daily activities.

Physical indicators to watch out for:

• Higher heart rate
• Breathing more quickly or getting breathless
• Chills and sweat
• Shaking muscles

Why Do Some People Get Scared Of  Things Easily?

Your body is overstimulated if you are jittery, jumpy, or easily startled. It could become hyperactive and develop too sensitive senses. According to the expert, many persons who have excessive fear regularly exhibit elevated levels of anxiety.


excessive fear
excessive fear

Tips To Overcome Fear

1. Face your fear

The expert advises that the best way to get over your fear is to face it. Avoiding your worries won’t make you go forward; instead, it will make you anxious. Be nice to yourself, though, and only do actions that are safe to you. If you notice that your anxiety is getting worse, stop and look around for something calming or comforting to do or see. If it feels secure later, you might attempt to explore your fear once more, taking breaks as necessary.

2. Take help of a therapist

It’s crucial to keep in mind that, if you find it difficult to deal with extreme fear on your own, therapists may be able to assist you work through avoidance methods. If you have experienced trauma, working with a therapist is absolutely essential in order to create a safe environment in which you may face your fear.


3. Practise strategies for mindfulness meditation

If your fear is easier to manage, you can practice mindfulness meditation techniques. All you have to do is sit quietly and concentrate on the here and now. Recognize the signs of dread or fear. Take note of the dread while attempting to be observant. Keep track of your physical reactions and any corresponding thoughts. Try to watch the story as it is rather than being sucked into it or attempting to alter it. When necessary, pause, and concentrate on something inconsequential, such as your breathing or the position of your hands on your lap.

Therefore, resist your fear and maintain control over your life.

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