Let’s find out ‘What Are The 6 Worst Eating Habits When Trying To Flatter Your Stomach?’ Bloating and a poor diet are two potential reasons why you may not be able to achieve your goals of getting a little bit of a flatter stomach.
The owner and registered dietitian of the Stirlist, Amber Pankonin, MS, RD, states that “we know that too many calories from oversized portions of food and sugar-sweetened beverages can result in increased belly fat, making it difficult to achieve a flatter stomach.” “Underlying digestive problems, food intolerances, or eating insufficient amounts of a specific nutrient can all contribute to bleeding or stomach swelling.”

The author of the website Better Than Dieting, Bonnie Taub-Dix, RD, adds that “constipation could also make you feel puffy and may cause you to mistake bloat for stomach fat.”
These six eating habits, according to dietitians, may be keeping you from achieving your goals, whether you’re trying to lose weight in your midsection or simply want to get rid of bloat so you can have a flat stomach.
Not Eating Enough Fiber

Stomach bloating may result from eating insufficient amounts of fiber each day. According to Pankonin, a diet low in fiber might cause constipation or other digestive problems. Fiber can increase gut motility, making it simpler to use the restroom and reducing bloating as a result.
The Mayo Clinic advises women to aim for 21–25 grams of fiber per day and men for 30-38 grams if you’re unsure whether you’re getting enough.
Not Eating Enough Protein

If you aren’t getting enough protein, it might make you bloat and prevent you from getting a flatter tummy.
According to Pankonin, protein aids in preserving the body’s fluid equilibrium. Bloating and fluid retention may result from eating too many simple carbohydrates and insufficient protein.
According to the Mayo Clinic, an average sedentary adult needs 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight in their diet to avoid a protein deficiency. A 165-pound (75-kilogram) person should eat 60 grams of protein each day, for instance.
However, depending on your age and degree of exercise, this may alter. Your body needs more protein as you get older in order to avoid muscle mass loss, which the Mayo Clinic indicates begins between the ages of 40 and 50. If so, you’ll need more protein—roughly 1.1–1.2 grams per kilogram.
Additionally, they mention that if you work out often, you need between 1.1 and 1.5 grams per kilogram. You might require 1.2–1.7 grams per kilogram if you engage in higher impact exercise like weightlifting, running, or cycling.
Chewing Gum-Especially Sugarless Gum

While you might chew a piece of gum to stave off hunger pangs or prevent binge munching, it can also be causing stomach bloating.
According to Taub-Dix, chewing gum can cause bloating and discomfort since air is ingested throughout the process. Sugar alcohols, which are frequently used to make sugarless gums, have been linked to bloating, gastrointestinal discomfort, flatulence, and in rare instances, diarrhea.
Drinking Through A Straw

Using a straw when drinking might cause severe bloating. Therefore, the next time you’re drinking a beverage, think about doing without the straw if you desire a flat stomach.
According to Taub-Dix, “every time you drink via a straw, like blowing air into a balloon, you’re pushing air into your gut.” “When you consume carbonated beverages, this process is made more worse. It would be better if you held the glass or bottle to your lips and took a slow, deep breath.”
Drinking Too Many Carbonated Beverages

Unfortunately, you can be quite bloated as a result of your seltzer or soda habit.
According to Taub-Dix, carbonated beverages, whether they are diet or not, “actually contribute bubbles to your stomach, which might lead you to feel as though your abdominal area is growing.” “While some carbonated drinks, like sparkling water, may be beneficial, if you have sensitive stomach or frequently feel bloated, perhaps still, non-carbonated water is ideal for you.”
Consuming Too Much Alcohol

Overindulging in alcohol can increase belly fat, which can be keeping you from getting the flat tummy you truly desire.
Alcohol includes empty calories, according to Pankonin, which is why excessive alcohol use is linked to weight gain and a wider waistline. It’s also important to take into account the foods that are frequently consumed with alcohol, such as fried or salty foods, which frequently cause bloating.
Alcohol may cause people to overeat by stimulating brain cells linked to an increased appetite, according to one study.