What Are The #8 Ways To Stay Healthy In 2022? Here Is What To Know

Learn more about ‘What Are The #8 Ways To Stay Healthy In 2022?’ It’s never too late to start living healthily. Many people will emphasize bettering their own well-being as the new year begins.

There are many advantages to leading a healthy lifestyle, but what does healthy living entail and why is it important?


What Are The #8 Ways To Stay Healthy In 2022? Here Is What To Know
What Are The #8 Ways To Stay Healthy In 2022? Here Is What To Know


Breast cancer is one of the most prevalent diseases affecting women in the US, with one in eight women in that country developing the disease at some point in their lifetime. Approximately 5–10% of breast cancer cases in the US are caused by inherited gene mutations, but other factors, such as lifestyle, are responsible for the majority of cases.

You can lower your risk of developing breast cancer by incorporating the following healthy behaviors:


1. Maintain A Healthy Weight

Your chance of developing breast cancer rises as you get older. Women who acquire 20 pounds after the age of 18 are at a 15% higher risk than those who gain little to no weight, according to a big research. Gaining 55 pounds or more causes a 45 percent rise in risk. Therefore, it’s crucial to keep a healthy weight.

After menopause, being overweight or obese can boost a woman’s risk of breast cancer by 20–60%. This is because after menopause, fat cells continue to produce estrogen, and higher estrogen levels are linked to a higher risk of breast cancer.


2. Stay Active 

The risk of breast cancer is between 10 and 20 percent lower for women who engage in regular physical activity. Fortunately, you can reap the benefits without engaging in rigorous exercise. Your risk may be reduced by activity equal to 30 minutes of daily walking. Therefore, lace up your running shoes and start moving!


3. Limit Alcohol Intake

According to one study, women who consume 2-3 alcoholic drinks daily have a 20% higher risk of developing breast cancer than those who don’t. Men and women should each limit their alcohol consumption to no more than two drinks per day.


What Are The #8 Ways To Stay Healthy In 2022? Here Is What To Know
What Are The #8 Ways To Stay Healthy In 2022? Here Is What To Know


4. Eat Fruits And Vegetables

According to studies, eating fruits and vegetables may somewhat reduce some breast cancer risks. Eating fruits and vegetables high in carotenoids—natural orange-red food pigments—such as melons, carrots, sweet potatoes, and squash—is advised. According to studies, women who have high blood levels of carotenoids are less likely to develop breast cancer. The best sources of carotenoids are typically fruits and vegetables rather than supplements because supplements may pose some health risks.


5. Limit Saturated Fats And Trans Fats

The kinds of fat we consume may affect our chance of developing breast cancer. A small association between breast cancer incidence and a high diet of saturated fat, which is prevalent in foods like red meat and full-fat dairy, was found in a study of over 320,000 European women. Trans fats, which are typically present in processed foods like baked snacks, may also increase the risk of breast cancer. While dietary fats are still being studied, think about choosing the beneficial unsaturated fats present in foods like nuts, seeds, avocados, olive and canola oils, and fatty fish.


6. Don’t Smoke

At least 250 dangerous compounds, including at least 69 that have been shown to cause cancer, are present in tobacco smoke. Breast cancer risk may be modestly elevated in women who smoke often. There are health advantages to stopping smoking at any age if you smoke. One of the finest things you can do is to stop or not start.


What Are The #8 Ways To Stay Healthy In 2022? Here Is What To Know
What Are The #8 Ways To Stay Healthy In 2022? Here Is What To Know


7. Breastfeed, If  You Can

For women, breastfeeding has numerous advantages that last throughout their lives. Studies show it lowers the risk of Type 2 diabetes and ovarian cancer in addition to lowering the risk of breast cancer, particularly in premenopausal women.


8. Limit The Hormones

Menopausal hormone treatment (MHT) is authorized to relieve menopausal symptoms temporarily. However, using estrogen and progestin together to treat these symptoms raises a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer and dying from it. Fortunately, their risk starts to decrease when they stop MHT, and it returns to normal levels within 5–10 years. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of MHT with your doctor if you’re thinking about it.

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