Let’s find out ‘What Are The Nutritional Values And Health Advantages Of Cocktail Sauce?’ Cocktail sauce, also known as seafood sauce, is a traditional condiment for dinner parties, buffets, and appetizers in restaurants all over the world. It stimulates the appetite and is either chilled or at room temperature.
The sauce is typically served as a dipping side dish to go with the cold seafood that is the centerpiece of the appetizer, including shrimp, oysters, or prawns.
Cocktail sauce is a fat-free, tomato-based condiment that can be made using a variety of hot sauces, depending on your preference for heat. Horseradish, lemon, and garlic are additional ingredients.
However, the sauce should generally be consumed in moderation because it has a high sugar and sodium content. What you need to know about cocktail sauce is provided below.
Cocktail Sauce Nutrition Facts
The USDA has provided the following nutritional data for one serving of 1/4 cup, or 69 grams, of cocktail sauce. 1
- Calories: 80
- Fat: 0g
- Sodium: 821mg
- Carbohydrates: 19g
- Fiber: 0.966g
- Sugars: 16g
- Protein: 1g
The 19 grams of carbohydrates in one serving of cocktail sauce are mostly made up of molasses, tomato concentrate, and corn syrup. This dietary data applies to a particular brand of cocktail sauce. Making your own homemade version, leaving out the molasses, and using low-sugar ketchup or even tomato sauce could reduce the amount of carbohydrates.
Cocktail sauce is devoid of all fatty acids, including trans and saturated fat, and is also fat-free.
You should not regard this product as an excellent source of protein despite the fact that you may ingest about 1 gram of protein each serving. The shellfish coated in the sauce will help you consume more protein.
Vitamins And Minerals
Including 20 milligrams of calcium, 0.718 milligrams of iron, 6 milligrams of vitamin C, and 100 IU of vitamin A, cocktail sauce does contain very small amounts of vitamins and minerals.
Health Benefits
Cocktail sauce does give your food a tangy, spicy flavor profile, but it also contains a lot of sodium, so it should only be used sparingly if you have a medical condition that calls for a low or reduced sodium diet. Cocktail sauce should be consumed in moderation, especially by people with diabetes, as one serving (69 grams) has 16 grams of sugar.
Despite this, cocktail sauce might not be very healthy. Lycopene, vitamin A, and vitamin C are present in trace levels. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant that can assist in lowering and removing free radicals that harm DNA and cell structures, making you less vulnerable to stressors associated with aging. 2 In particular, stomach, lung, and prostate cancers, which are caused by this carotenoid that gives tomatoes their red color, may be prevented. 3
Overall, adding cocktail sauce to foods like raw shrimp, deviled eggs, fried mushrooms, and omelets improves the flavor and palatability of those foods. Additionally, its tart taste characteristic could increase your feeling of fullness. Some research suggests that you are less likely to feel deprived if you feel more satisfied after eating. 4 For people trying to lose weight, this is especially beneficial.
Cocktail sauce contains ingredients that might cause an allergic reaction, however this is not always the case. Instead, it is referred to as oral allergy syndrome or spice intolerance. This response manifests as a skin rash, mouth irritation, and coughing. 5
An allergy to the shellfish that goes with cocktail sauce is more common. According to estimates, 0.5% to 2.5% of individuals have food allergies, with shellfish being one of the most common triggers. Mouth numbness, muscle discomfort, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea are among the symptoms. One of the leading triggers of food-related anaphylaxis is shellfish. 6
Storage And Food Safety
As long as you keep cocktail sauce properly, you can use it up to 18 months after the expiration date. Cocktail sauce that has been opened can keep in the fridge for 6 to 9 months. Just make sure not to dip your cocktail sauce into your jar, but rather to pour it into a bowl. Your seafood will become contaminated and lose some of its shelf life if you dip it right into the jar.
How To Prepare
Few ingredients—ketchup, horseradish, lemon juice, and spicy sauces—come together to make cocktail sauce (most often Worcestershire and tabasco sauce). You may combine the hot sauces to achieve the desired level of heat. Cocktail sauce is most frequently served as a dip with a protein, such shellfish, on the side.
For flavor and spice, you may also pour it on burgers or sandwiches or add it into drinks like Bloody Marys. You can even use it to spice up deviled eggs or drizzle cocktail sauce over your favorite omelet.