5 Best Yoga Poses For Back Pain Relief

Let’s find out ‘5 Best Yoga Poses For Back Pain Relief’ There are many people who experience chronic back pain, so you are not alone. Nearly 65 million U.S. people acknowledged to having experienced recent back pain, with 16 million of those reporting that their back discomfort was a regular issue, according to the Georgetown University Health Policy Institute.

Even though working on your posture or decreasing weight may eventually help you have less back problems, there are other, quicker fixes available, such as yoga, for those persistent aches and pains.


5 Best Yoga Poses For Back Pain Relief
5 Best Yoga Poses For Back Pain Relief


Read on to learn the top yoga positions for back pain recommended by experts if you want to start solving your issues right away.

Sukhasana With Side Bends

young woman sitting cross-legged bending to the side with one arm overhead
young woman sitting cross-legged bending to the side with one arm overhead


Sukhasana with side bends is a terrific option if you’re searching for a gentle technique to relieve tension in your back and hips.

The lateral torso and back muscles, which are frequently neglected, are lengthened in this pose, according to CrossFlow Yoga creator and yoga expert Heidi Kristoffer, E-RYT, YA.

“Start by [sitting] with your knees apart and your heels tucked under your opposing knees. Put your hands or fingers on the ground on either side of your hips, letting your arms hang loosely by your sides. On the side of your face, extend your left arm all the way up to the ceiling.

Lean your torso to the right while placing your right hand on the ground and crawling it over to the right while allowing your right forearm to descend towards the ground. Additionally, extend your left arm to the right, while rotating your chest upward “Kristoffer advises doing the same on the opposite side after that.

Supine Spinal Twist

woman in gray leggings and tank lying on blue yoga mat
woman in gray leggings and tank lying on blue yoga mat


According to Kristoffer, supine spinal twists are a “gentle, therapeutic approach to decompress the spine,” and virtually anyone can perform them. “This back stretch is great and soft. Additionally, it slightly contracts your abdominal muscles and improves blood flow to your back.”

Lie on your back and tuck your right knee into your chest to finish the stretch. “Guide your right knee to the left while placing your left hand on the outside of your right thigh. Your right arm should be extended to the side. Keep your neck in a neutral position or, if it feels wonderful, turn your head to the right.

You can either reach your left arm far to the left so that your arms form one long line, or you can keep your left hand on your right thigh and let its weight ground the right leg. Take at least five full breaths here, then switch to the opposite side “Kristoffer is recommended.

Supine Pigeon

woman in gray leggings and tank lying on floor in pigeon pose
woman in gray leggings and tank lying on floor in pigeon pose


According to Kristoffer, a supine pigeon stance can instantly relieve back pain by opening your hips.

She explains that because the lower back and hips are interconnected, tight hips can strain and hurt the lower back muscles.

To perform this pose, lie flat on your back with your feet hip-width apart and your knees bent.

“Keep your right foot flexed while bending your right knee to the right and crossing your right ankle across your left thigh. Lift your right arm through the gap made by your legs by lifting your legs toward your chest and lifting your chest high enough. Your right leg should be moved away from your body as you grasp your left thigh with both hands “According to Kristoffer, you should hold the position for five breaths before swapping sides.

Cobra Pose

young woman in cobra pose
young woman in cobra pose


Cobra pose might be the ideal approach to relieve some of the back ache you are feeling after spending all day hunched over at your desk.

“In this position, our backs are extended. Throughout the day, we frequently flex our backs forward, but we hardly ever extend, “says The Pittsburgh Chiropractor’s chiropractor and founder Alex Tauberg, DC, CSCS, CCSP®, EMR. “The muscles and joints can be stretched out into that posture by moving into extension. This motion is a fantastic approach to reduce pain sensitivity.”

Lie on your stomach with your legs straight behind you to perform this pose. Press your palms against the floor below your shoulders while keeping your elbows tight to your body. Keep your thighs and hips flat against the floor while lifting your chest off the ground and pressing your sternum forward. After a few period of breathing in this position, exhale, flex your arms, and slowly lower your chest back to the floor.

Child’s Pose

group of people in child's pose in yoga class
group of people in child’s pose in yoga class


Entering child’s pose towards the conclusion of your yoga practice is a terrific way to unwind, and it’s also a great method to stretch your back and release tension anytime the situation calls for it.

“It can soothe the mind while enhancing blood flow, gently releasing the spine and hips. When the arms are extended in the child’s position, the upper back and sides of the core are also stretched “says Cher-Ann Texter, owner of Good Ohmens Fitness and a certified yoga fitness instructor.

Sit on your heels and bend forward at the waist while stretching your arms out in front of you on the ground with the palms of your hands facing down to complete this stretch. As long as it’s comfortable for you, hold your breath in this posture and don’t let go before relaxing.

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