How To Build Muscle Mass After Weight Loss? Here Is What You Should Know Says Fitness Expert

Learn more ‘How To Build Muscle Mass After Weight Loss?’ So, you’ve shed some pounds. Congratulations! To achieve your health objectives, you’ve put a lot of effort into working out, improving your diet, and moving forward in your fitness journey.

But you could be thinking, “What do I do now?” You’ve probably gotten used to setting a fitness goal after working so hard for so long. It seems reasonable that you would feel as though you had lost your bearings now that you have arrived at it. Fortunately, we can assist direct you. Building muscle and increasing your strength should be the next stage in your fitness quest.


How To Build Muscle Mass After Weight Loss? Here Is What You Should Know Says Fitness Expert
How To Build Muscle Mass After Weight Loss? Here Is What You Should Know Says Fitness Expert


Why is this the best course of action? Well, for a number of really good reasons. Besides making you feel more at ease flaunting your body at the beach, adding heft to your frame has various positive effects on your health. According to News in Health, strength training, for instance, can improve how your body metabolizes food to help avoid diabetes and other chronic conditions. Additionally, research shows that keeping your strength might help you live a longer, healthier life by preventing the loss of muscle mass as you age.

“It’s a wise choice to gain muscle after losing weight. Your body is inherently predisposed to gain weight during a calorie deficit, “says ACE-certified personal trainer Rachel MacPherson, CPT, of Garage Gym Reviews. If you utilize this period to concentrate on developing muscle mass, you’ll reduce the amount of body fat you’ll acquire and instead add lean mass, which will assist improve your metabolism after it has adjusted to being slower during weight reduction.

If you don’t know where to begin, we asked MacPherson to provide some excellent advice for gaining strength and muscle mass after losing weight.


Increase Your Calories Slowly

calorie tracker counting calories
calorie tracker counting calories


Although you’ve probably heard that you need to “bulk up” in order to add muscle, this doesn’t imply you should start stuffing yourself silly. This is where utilizing an online calorie counter like Cronometer or MyFitnessPal might be helpful.

According to MacPherson, “don’t go from your calories for weight reduction directly to eating without understanding how much you’re consuming.” “Try increasing your daily intake of protein and carbohydrates instead. If you previously kept track of your caloric intake, consider adding 100–200 calories daily for a week before adding another 100–200. The goal should be to gradually acquire 0.5 to 1 pound every week.”


Focus On Hypertrophy-Based Weight Lifting

Strength is not as important in hypertrophy training as muscle mass development is. Focus more on intermediate weights that you can accomplish in the 8–15 rep range rather than powerlifting or big weights in low rep ranges.

As per MacPherson, “Use hypertrophy training to increase muscular growth by performing two lifting sessions per body region each week and gradually increasing volume as you advance. For the greatest results, stick with this regimen for at least eight weeks (ideally 12 or more).”


Get Your Fill Of Protein

woman holds tray of protein-packed foods in kitchen to build muscle mass after weight loss
woman holds tray of protein-packed foods in kitchen to build muscle mass after weight loss


The body needs protein for a variety of processes, such as muscular development, tissue repair, recuperation, and a strong immune system. 0.8 grams per kilogram of body weight is the current international recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for this macronutrient, however if you want to gain a lot of muscle growth, you’ll probably need a little more. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, try to take between 1.2 and 2.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day for the best muscle building. If you weren’t eating enough protein before, MacPherson advises that you should do so now. Eating a lot of protein is crucial for weight loss.

Consume High-Quality Carbs After Workouts

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that carbohydrates are the best type of fuel for your body to use during exercise. Your body won’t have the energy to go out hard and gain muscle without them.

How much you require, according to MacPherson, “Make sure you consume 30 to 50 grams or more of readily digested carbohydrates and 25 to 40 grams of protein after your activity. Consuming carbohydrates together with your post-workout protein shake can assist your muscles in using the amino acids and restore any depleted glycogen stores that were utilized to fuel your training session. Of course, the quantity will depend on your calorie requirements.”


Cut Back On Cardio (For Now)

Reducing your exercise may seem paradoxical, especially after you’ve depended on it for so long to lose weight, but performing too much cardio will impede you from getting the most out of your muscular gains.

It’s time to cut back on your cardio if you’ve been doing a lot of it to lose weight, advises MacPherson. “Think about reducing the number of sessions to one or two each week. If your weight training is difficult enough, you’ll still benefit from it in ways that are good for your heart. Additionally, aerobics can hinder muscle recovery and doesn’t support muscle growth, so it should temporarily be put on hold in favor of your weight-lifting exercises.”

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