Let get to know why Jessica Yaniv, an activist sparks fake pedophile allegation. The gender identity discrimination lawsuits that Jessica Yaniv, a transgender activist from Canada whose true name is Jessica Simpson, filed against various beauty salons number at least 15. There are rumors floating around about the false pedophilia accusation made against her. Let’s read the section below to find out what the issue is in reality.
Jessica Yaniv has considered herself to be transgender since she was six years old, but has been hesitant to come out as such.
When she was an adolescent, she underwent treatment for gender identity disorder, as well as for associated depression, anxiety, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
The activist originally came to the public’s attention in 2008 when she requested a National Sex Day on August 21 via Facebook.
She distributed free condoms as part of the campaign upon request. She then admitted that it was part of a viral marketing campaign. Over 100,000 Facebook members were drawn by the promotion.
Yaniv is known in the Township of Langley for her advocacy on a number of issues before Township council. ( Source : Activistmommy
Jessica Yaniv, An Activist Sparks Fake Pedophile Allegation
One of the reasons why he is involved in this instance of the allegation is that Yaniv Sparks, who is also the subject of multiple harassment claims, is involved.
These allegations include the fact that Yaniv has previously engaged in bluntly sexualized online exchanges with young women, at least one of whom has reported child sexual exploitation by calling a national hotline.
The National Post’s Joseph Brean reports that a number of people have accused Yaniv of harassing them. This includes claims that she used coarse and sexualized language when chatting with young females online.
Yaniv has debunked this charge. One of the allegations, which Yaniv has angrily denied, was made by a girl from Washington State who claimed that Yaniv had expressed sexual interest in her on social media when she was just 14 years old. The girl gave the National Post a recording of Yaniv in which he impersonated Elmo from Sesame Street and made vulgar remarks. According to Yaniv, the recording was a joke sent to a friend rather than the girl.
Jessica Yaniv-What Happened Her Today Now?
The Langley RCMP detachment arrested Jessica Yaniv on August 8, 2019, after she demonstrated a taser during a live YouTube broadcast.
While debating with transgender YouTuber Blaire White, she allegedly displayed a prohibited handgun.
No one was the aim of the weapon, according to police who remarked on the incident. However, when the authorities searched her home, they took two conducted electrical weapons. Yaniv appeared in Surrey Provincial Court on January 13, 2020, to confront allegations concerning guns. Yaniv was given a conditional discharge after being found guilty of possessing a restricted firearm, according to the Surrey Court registry, writes Mathew Claxton in the Aldergrove Star. Likewise, probation and a firearms prohibition were imposed on Langley Advance Times.
The Langley Royal Canadian Mounted Police accused Yaniv of causing damage and making threats in connection with an incident involving Chris Elston in October 2020, according to a December 2020 article in The Western Standard.
For physically beating former Rebel News journalist Keean Bexte at the start of 2022, Yaniv was found guilty of assault in May 2022.
Jessica Yaniv- Who Is She? Wikipedia
According to Jessica Yaniv’s Wikipedia entry, her real name is Jessica Simpson, and she is a Canadian transgender activist. She gained notoriety for filing at least 15 lawsuits alleging discrimination based on gender identification against various beauty salons when they refused to wax her male genitalia.
In 2018 and 2019, the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal received the allegations. It was the first notable case of claimed transgender discrimination in retail in Canada

In 2019, the Tribunal dismissed her claims and found Yaniv intended to use race against her. Over the years, Arnaviv has persisted in bringing new complaints of discrimination, libel, and breach of privacy.
At Surrey, British Columbia’s Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Yaniv pursued computer science.