The Best Exercise To Do At Home To Prevent Winter Weight Gain

Let’s find out ‘The Best Exercise To Do At Home To Prevent Winter Weight Gain’ During the winter, many of us yearn to curl up with a good book and a cup of hot cocoa while binge-watching Netflix.

The temptation to overindulge in delicious comfort foods and fatty beverages is also at its strongest during this time of year. While it may be tempting to stay warm and cozy during the chilly, gloomy winter months, doing so usually results in gaining weight. Fortunately for you, we’ve created the best at-home workout to prevent weight gain over the winter.

It’s simpler than you would think to avoid gaining weight during the winter. We are aware that sometimes all it takes to get you moving in the direction of a healthier, fitter you is a mild prod. In order to combat the winter weight gain, we spoke with Kate Meier, CPT, a certified personal trainer with Gym Garage Reviews, who presents a fantastic full-body workout. The best aspect is that you don’t have to leave the security of your house or endure inclement weather to complete everything.


The Best Exercise To Do At Home To Prevent Winter Weight Gain
The Best Exercise To Do At Home To Prevent Winter Weight Gain


If you want a new workout to keep you trim all winter, keep reading. Meier explains that while the exercises in the circuit below work the upper and lower bodies, they also use both large and small muscles in stabilization and coordination. In order to burn the most calories possible, you’ll keep moving throughout each circuit and only take brief stops.

Each of the following exercises should be performed for 45 seconds, followed by a 15-second break. Take a minute to rest between each round. Aim to complete a total of five rounds.


burpees step-by-step demonstration
burpees step-by-step demonstration


Burpees are a great exercise for increasing calorie burn, whether you like them or not (we’re assuming the latter). Meier asserts that burpees are a fantastic exercise for overall athleticism and mobility. “Dropping to the floor, standing up quickly, and explosive power are all qualities that help with daily tasks and general strength.”

Stand with your hands by your sides in order to complete a normal burpee. Put your hands next to your feet as you squat down. Once you’re in a high plank posture with your shoulders, hips, and ankles lined up, hop your feet back until they are fully extended. Hop your feet back up next to your hands, then perform a pushup. Finally, jump up while raising your arms fully overhead and land in a half-squat.

Alternating Curtsy Lunge

woman demonstrating curtsy lunge
woman demonstrating curtsy lunge


“This exercise keeps you moving continuously while working your legs and glutes. By doing so, you can tighten and tone your lower body while maintaining an elevated heart rate during the interval “Meier elucidates.

Start off by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. After that, lower yourself straight down until your left thigh is parallel to the floor by stepping your right leg back, placing your right foot outside of your left leg. Step back into the starting position after that, then switch legs. Meier advises adding a pulse at the bottom of the exercise for an added challenge and intense glute burn.


mature woman demonstrating pushups exercises to fight winter weight gain
mature woman demonstrating pushups exercises to fight winter weight gain


Pushups are a timeless exercise that have been around for a reason. Since they concentrate on the chest, triceps, and shoulders, they’re great for developing a stronger upper body. Also, you can perform them anywhere, at any time.

Start by standing up straight in a plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart. From head to toe, keep your body in a straight line. Then, while maintaining a straight back, drop your body to the ground while keeping your elbows close to your sides. Just before your chest meets the ground at the bottom, pause. Keep your core engaged and your back straight as you raise your body back up to the initial plank position.

“If regular pushups are too challenging, try performing them on your knees or building up with negative repetitions, in which you progressively lower yourself to the floor and then push yourself back up. Using this will help you learn standard reps and work the same muscles “Meier says.

In-And-Out Squat Jumps

woman doing jump squats at home to fight winter weight gain
woman doing jump squats at home to fight winter weight gain


This alternative to the standard squat jump involves a narrow squat. The addition of a narrow squat targets more thigh muscles, allowing you to perform more repetitions and develop more chiseled, slender legs.

Start off by standing with your feet shoulder-width apart. Next, bend your knees while keeping your back straight and your knees from turning inside. Jump up quickly, completely extend your body, and land softly into a narrow-stance squat with your legs tight together once your thighs are parallel to the floor. Once your thighs are parallel and you are in the narrow squat, jump up quickly once again to land in the standard squat posture.

Russian Twists

woman demonstrating Russian twists
woman demonstrating Russian twists


Meier claims that the Russian twist is a traditional abdominal exercise that strengthens the entire core. The important thing is to stay moving throughout the interval without losing form; if doing so requires going more slowly and deliberately, it is preferable to cramming in more errant reps.

Knees bowed, take a seat on the floor with a slight backwards tilt. As you make a V-shape with your body, lift your legs a few inches off the ground and stretch them halfway. As you rotate from side to side, keep your hands close to your chest or grip a light dumbbell in each hand. In order to target your obliques (side ab muscles) and give your core a solid burn, concentrate on spinning at each side while maintaining your legs out of place.

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