TikTok: "isatandstared" NJ Teenager Kass Theaz's Parents' Names
Kass Theaz thanks her followers for getting her 7k followers on Instagram and 66k on TikTok. ( Source : instagram )

Kass Theaz, also known as @isatandstared on TikTok, has lately made headlines for suing her parents.

The teenage lady went viral online after suing her parents for financial help and tuition costs. Her most recent TikTok videos, in which she explains why she sued her parents, have gained her international recognition.

The TikTok celebrity is in his or her twenties. On the video-sharing website, she now has over 102.7k followers and close to 1.4 million likes. She responded to a comment that stated, “Please admit they (her parents) already took you out of their house by now,” in a recent video.

People all across the world are praising and criticizing Kass for her deed. Many people remarked that she also had a child who will sue her. “I’m not having kids, and I’m a lesbian,” she retorted.

Quick Facts:

Full Name Kass Theaz
Age 18-22 years old
TikTok username @isatandstared
Bakeup TikTok @isatandstared2.0
Instagram username @isatandstared



Who Are The Parents Of New Jersey Teen Kass Theaz, Aka “isatandstared” On TikTok?

Kass Theaz, a youngster from New Jersey, has not yet disclosed who her parents are. She filed a lawsuit against her parents, accusing them of having her without permission and paying for her schooling.

On the site, she enjoys some notoriety and is frequently seen telling much of her story. Kass is despondent because her parents gave her an introduction to the world with compassion and are not giving her enough money to live.


TikToker Kass Theaz smiling in a restaurant.
TikToker Kass Theaz smiling in a restaurant. ( Source : instagram )


The TikTok celebrity claims that because her parents chose to have her, they should be covering her bills, but they stopped doing so once she turned eighteen. She filed a lawsuit against them when they recommended her to live alone.

In a recent TikTok video, Kass stated that she had won the lawsuit and that the judge had ordered her parents to give her $5,000 per month. She further related how after publishing a video about it online, she started receiving hundreds more threats.

Then, in a panic, she uploaded a video in which she claimed to be trolling. Although she wasn’t trolling and did suit her parents, many people were relieved by the message.

TikToker Kass Theaz “isatandstared”: Where Is He Currently?

In the home that her parents gave to Kass Theaz for her eighteenth birthday, she lives alone. In a video, she claimed that her family had expelled her from their 4,500 square foot house.

Her parents recommended her to relocate into a 1200 square foot house. Kass has recently been quite active on Instagram and TikTok. She frequently publishes videos about her daily life.

Many people applaud her brave decision, while others blame her for suing her parents. Many people even encouraged her to find employment, and she even made a movie about it.

Previously, Kass had performed the same action as an Indian man. He thought it was totally out of line to have a child born without their consent and leave them to suffer for what seemed like an eternity.

He contended that because they did not choose to be born, their parents should pay their bills until they pass away. The scenario of the Indian man and the New Jersey kid is comparable. Both made the same accusation and complained about their parents.

Kass Theaz: Instagram Details

Theaz may be found with ease with the Instagram username @isatandstared.

She has posted an astonishing 100 times on Instagram and is currently highly active.

She often updates her 7,722 Instagram followers with videos and photos from TikTok. Kass has yet to learn more about her parents and other family members, though.


Kass pictured with her pet Vida at the park.
Kass pictured with her pet Vida at the park. ( Source : instagram )


On the photo-sharing app, Kass mainly shared comedic and satirical videos. She takes pleasure in including the images of numerous celebrities in her post to add humor and likeability. “Proof Joe Biben is my grandfather,” she captioned a recent post on March 16, 2022.

With the alias @isatandstared2.0, she also has a backup TikTok account. In her Instagram bio, Kass identified herself as the previous owner of Kylie Jenner’s top lip. Additionally, her bio states: “Satire account.”

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