Find out ‘Who Is Katrina Sneed The Hairstylist Of Eric Greitens?’ On March 22, 2021, American politician Eric Robert Greitens made his candidacy for the Senate official. In the 2022 election, the seat will be vacated by retiring incumbent Roy Dean Blunt.
Nevertheless, since he produced a video pushing his fans to go “RINO hunting,” Missouri’s Senate contender is in danger. Greitens shared a 38-second video clip on Twitter that highlights his time as a Navy Seal in the past.

Greitens is shown in the brief video breaking into a home and doing what he refers to as “RINO hunting.” The conservative immediately received backlash for suggesting human hunting in the released video.
Who Is Katrina Sneed The Hairstylist Of Eric Greitens?
Supposed mistress of former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens, Katrina Sneed, was once his hairdresser. When she leveled sexual accusations against the lawmaker in 2018, the hair expert attracted attention.
In June 2018, the 56th governor of Missouri and a former Navy SEAL resigned from office due to accusations of improper campaign financing practices and sexual assault. He was Missouri’s first Jewish governor.

Greitens’ previous main representative, Katrina, age 39, also known by her nickname Kitty, used to have her do her hair. While she was dating Phil Sneed at the time, they eventually ended their relationship.
After accusing the lawmaker of explicit sexual extortion in 2018, Sneed gained attention from the public. Greitens flatly refuted Sneed’s charges, and it was ultimately established that they were untrue.
Eventually, it became clear that the hairstylist’s alleged accusations were untrue. She said that if she told anybody about the problem, Greitens would have forced her to market her nude images.
In order to support her claims against the former governor, Katrina was found to have frequently made false statements under oath. The hairdresser said that Eric was the only adulterous partner she had had.
Eric Greitens And His Hairstylist Katrina Sneed Scandalous Affair Explored
Hairdresser Katrina Sneed admitted under testimony that she met secretly with Kim Gardner, the St. Louis Circuit Attorney, a prosecutor supported by George Soros, at a hotel room in January and February 2018.
Afterwards, the lawyer Gardner accused Eric Greitens of criminal invasion of privacy in February 2018 when he was accused of taking nude pictures of Katrine without her permission and further threatening to publish the images and blackmailing her.
The hairdresser also claimed that she had never seen the pictures of her that Eric is said to have shot without her knowledge, and that she had not even seen Eric’s phone or camera at the time the pictures were supposedly taken.
It was discovered that Sneed had falsely accused Greitens, a former Navy Seal, of sexual assault. According to the evidence, Sneed was paid to knowingly lie under oath. Afterwards, it was made clear that her stated accusations were untrue.

In reality, according to the police source with knowledge of a probe into the circuit attorney’s misbehavior, Sneed engaged in widespread lying in an effort to remove the rising politician from office.
It was also known that Sneed and Greitens, a rising star in the US Senate, had a consensual relationship for a period of time years earlier before Greitens made the political decision to serve as the lead representative.
Greitens denies using threats or coercion to get Sneed to reveal her private photos. Finally, the former governor of Missouri, Greitens, was found to be innocent since the criminology specialist was unable to locate any clear pictures of Sneed that Greitens had either taken or erased.
Also, it was well known that Katrina “Kitty” and her ex-husband Phil Sneed frequently sent intimate photos of themselves to their friends and colleagues. Furthermore, Sneed’s equipment underwent a forensic review.
According to the evaluation, she and her ex-husband frequently traded texts with X-rated images, a police source familiar with the special prosecutor’s probe told the Gateway Pundit.
Eric Greitens Whereabouts Now
For his latest campaign advertisement, U.S. Senate candidate Eric Greitens is receiving negative feedback. Before being reported by Twitter, the divisive former governor was accused of promoting political violence.
Republican Greitens stated in the 38-second commercial, “Today, we’re going RINO hunting,” adding it with a soft grin as he moved his shotgun’s action. Republicans in name only is what RINO stands for.

On Monday morning, the video was published on social media. It was quickly attacked for its suitable language usage and images that encouraged violence against political opponents.
By Monday afternoon, Facebook had taken down the advertisement for breaking its rules against harassment and violence. Also, Twitter reported the uploaded video with a notice that the segment broke the service’s policies against abusive behavior.
The politician, who was born and raised in St. Louis, earned a degree from Duke University in 1996. As a Rhodes scholar, he earned a PhD from Lady Margaret Hall in Oxford in 2000.
Greitens completed four tours as a U.S. Navy SEAL, rising to the rank of lieutenant commander. He was given a Purple Heart and a Bronze Star for leading an Al-Qaeda-targeting squad.
Greitens, a former Democrat, declared in 2015 that he had switched to the Republican party. The politician, a devout Republican, ran for governor of Missouri in 2016.
Greitens became Missouri’s first Jewish governor after defeating Democratic Attorney General Chris Koster in the general election.