Let find out ”Garnett Spears Cause Of Death” Five-year-old Garnett Spears was killed by his mother Lacie after she used salt to poison him. Thanks to TikTok, where many people broadcast videos of the mother and boy in the hospital, the case has lately come to light.
The mother oversalted her son’s feeding tube while he was in the hospital, which caused the toddler’s brain to swell excessively and led to his death from the contamination.
Numerous films from well-known networks, including CBS and Investigative Documentary, focused on the subject of Garnett Spears’ death and the subsequent court case, which led to the mother, Lacie, receiving a 20-year term.
There are a ton of YouTube videos examining the situation from different reputable channels.

Video Of Garnett Spears When He Was In The Hospital Goes Viral On Tiktok
Due to an Investigative Discovery report, the tragic situation of Garnett Spears being hospitalized because of his mother Lacey received a lot of attention on TikTok.

Five-year-old Garnett Spears was poisoned by table salt and died in a hospital. His brain swelling as a result of having too much sodium in his system was found to be the cause of his death.
Investigators were able to solve the mystery surrounding Garnett’s death by discovering that his mother, Lacey Spears, was the one who gave him the high-sodium injection that ultimately resulted in his death.
TikTok has hundreds of videos and comments related to the Garnett case. Viewers were confused and enraged at the same time by his mother Lacey’s conduct that caused his death. People kept asking how a mother could subject her child to such treatment.
Lacey Spears: Who Is She?
A lady named Lacey Spears was jailed for poisoning her 5-year-old son Garnett and taking his life. For the crime, she received a 20-year prison term.
Spears was raised in Decatur, Alabama, where she was born. She lived in Alabama before becoming a single mother and giving birth to her son, Garnett. She relocated to Florida to temporarily reside with her maternal grandmother after the birth of her son.

The single mother then moved to Chestnut Ridge, New York’s The Fellowship neighborhood. She informed her neighbors that Garnett’s father was a policeman who had perished in a car accident.
However, Chris Hill, a previous companion of Lacey’s, is said to be Garnett’s biological father. He was told that the son was not his, but Lacey insisted that he not approach the child.
Check out Showbizcorner if you’re interested in current TikTok trends. Another article about Anna Banana, a popular TikTok user.
Lacey Spears Blogged About Her Son’s Sickness
With a lengthy history of lying, Lacey Spears made up ailments to update her social media blogs about her son Garnett’s health.
She described how she is a single mother raising her son by herself while pretending that other kids are her own. She would even force her son to spend time in the hospital at an early age.

On the internet, the native of Alabama went by the moniker “mother blogger.” She would update her blog with information about her son’s health and ask for assistance on social media.
On January 23, 2014, five-year-old Garnett Spears passed away at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital in Valhalla, New York. Two days after receiving a diagnosis of hypernatremia, which led to brain swelling, he was pronounced dead. The accusations made against Lacey are still untrue.
Where Is Lacey Spears Currently?
Currently incarcerated in the Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women is Lacey Spears.

After sacrificing the life of her toddler son, a judge sentenced Lacey to 20 years in jail. But the case’s judge, Robert Neary, acknowledged that Lacey Spears has Munchausen syndrome through proxy. She was not given the maximum term of 25 years in jail before becoming eligible for parole as a result.
The state’s highest court declined to examine Lacey’s case after her state appeal upheld her conviction. As a result, when she turns 46 in 2034, she will be qualified for release.
Lacey Spears Is A Mother Accused In CBS 48 Hours
The case was covered in an episode of the venerable 48 Hours true crime documentary series on CBS. The episode aired on April 9, 2016, and it was the season 29 episode number 21.
Children are the future and should be cherished and cared for, Lacey said in an interview with 48 Hours. On December 3, 2008, she gave birth to her son Garnett in Alabama.

Lacey asserted in the interview that Garnett’s health problems began only a few weeks after his birth.
He allegedly lost weight as a result of acute ear infections and a lack of food. She claimed that he would not nurse, even though he would not take a bottle or baby food.
She brought Garnett to the doctor, and at the age of nine months, he underwent surgery to place a feeding tube, also known as a G-tube. Through a bottle through a syringe or a hanging bag, the food would be delivered straight to the abdomen.
She would post frequently on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and her own blog called “Garnett’s Journey” and share pictures of Garnett while he was in the hospital.
Garnett And Lacey Spears In Investigative Discovery
The fifth episode of the Devil in Suburbia on Investigation Discovery, titled Failure to Thrive, recently featured the tragedy of Garnett Spears. On September 13, 2022, the show aired on the network. After the episode aired, fans expressed their disgust with the cruel mother and her horrific deeds on TikTok.

In a small-town upstate New York, a young woman loses her five-year-old son who had struggled with a physical issue since birth; doctors assert his death was not caused by natural causes, and police soon suspect foul play, according to the episode summary in IMBD.
The case was previously discussed in the third episode of the third season of ID’s 2016 television series Web of Lies, titled “The Sick Boy.” The series also included footage of the incident’s aftermath.