What Happened Between Shia LaBeouf And Michael Bay In "Transformers" Movie

Let find out ”What Happened Between Shia LaBeouf And Michael Bay In “Transformers” Movie” Shia LaBeouf, an actor, has high regard for Transformers filmmaker Michael Bay. LaBeouf said that it required some adjustment time for him to get acclimated to Bay’s harsh directing style when they first met.

Particularly considering that on the first day of production, the director had real attack dogs follow LaBeouf in one scene.

What Made Shia LaBeouf Want To Collaborate With Michael Bay So Badly


What Happened Between Shia LaBeouf And Michael Bay In "Transformers" Movie
Shia LaBeouf | Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic

LaBeouf first met Michael Bay while taking a brief Transformers screen test. The young actor then met with Bay, who further requested that LaBeouf recite a few lines. LaBeouf’s standup routines were another selling point for Bay when he had the Even Stevens alum perform them.

Finally, LaBeouf received approval from both Bay and Transformers producer Steven Spielberg. The celebrity, who has long desired to collaborate with Bay, was over the moon with this news.

“My main goal was to work with Michael because, first and foremost, I’m a huge admirer of his films. LaBeouf gushed in a 2011 interview with GQ, “There isn’t one of his movies that I don’t enjoy. Not a single one where I don’t watch it all the way through. I too have a number of movies I can’t watch. Michael makes engaging movies, if that says anything about him. He is aware of his viewers. I was a seventeen-year-old lad when I first met Mike. He was my god, f******.

Working with Bay was actually everything LaBeouf anticipated it to be, if not more.

“He’s always there for you; he doesn’t back down when things are difficult. He’s supportive, self-assured, and willing to take chances. But he can also be absolutely unreasonable, illogical, emotional, aggressive, and demanding at times. He’s my captain, my coach, and someone I adore, said LaBeouf.


Shia LaBeouf Was Assaulted By Actual Attack Dogs While Being Filmed By Michael Bay

Even while LaBeouf relished his time spent with Bay, he had some getting used to. Working with the director of Bad Boys was different from working with prior filmmakers, especially since Bay placed LaBeouf’s physical health at danger. LaBeouf revealed that the director had him chased by dogs on the first day he shot Transformers.

The very first task I was given when I arrived on location was to flee from a pitbull/mastiff/Doberman mix that was intended to charge at me and head for the camera before sprinting into the arms of the dog trainer, he said.

But when LaBeouf learned the trained canines weren’t truly trained for filming, things got worse.

There is no way he would force me to go around with untrained dogs. However, surprise, surprise, these canines have never performed in a movie. They were attack canines that had been taught to attack humans from a former police academy, LaBeouf continued.

Because of this, when pursuing LaBeouf, the attack dogs disregarded their trainer’s instructions.

Consequently, LaBeouf said, “I literally just sprinted around the set, and I remember all the crew—this is my first shot, first take—throwing chairs at the dog, trying to distract these dogs that were on my tail and persistent and not going to stop. And I recall them eventually corralling the dogs as they turned to gaze at Mike, who was laughing uncontrollably. Just laughing incessantly. Giggling. The star of his movie was going to get mauled to death on day one, and Mike was simply chuckling. Every director I had worked with up to that point would not have been laughing.


Michael Bay Felt Like He Fathered Shia LaBeouf

Like LaBeouf, Bay treasured his time spent with the budding actor. LaBeouf has been embroiled in several scandals and controversies since the Transformers movie series. However, the director of Armageddon thought LaBeouf was a kind person at his heart, whose background may have had an impact on his choices.

“When I worked with him, he was a little child. He was somewhat of my son. He occasionally misbehaved, yet he is a gifted young man. He’s incredibly sweet, He came from a difficult family. But he’s a great performer, too,” Bay added in a Yahoo interview.

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